Porsche Fremont
Jim Guitteau Porsche Fremont

Meet a Porsche Fremont Sales & Leasing Consultant

July 27th, 2017 by

He’s flown planes, restored old cars, and chances are he probably helped you get into the dream Porsche you’ve had your eyes on. Meet Porsche Fremont’s Sales & Leasing Consultant, Jim Guitteau. Jim has been a gearhead since the age of 12 when he started to tinker with motorcycles. As a teenager he owned American Muscle…


The Master Porsche Manipulator “911”

November 22nd, 2016 by

  One Man’s Car is Another Man’s Art? For artist, Chris Labrooy, this statement seems to be true. Labrooy takes everyday objects and turns them into pieces of art through the use of CGI and 3D modeling. In his most recent work, ‘911’, Labrooy creates a series of artwork pieces using vibrant colored 1973, 911…

Posted in Lifestyle, Local, Models, News


Porsche Fremont 37.499614, -121.976058.